Hello Book Dragons!

How have you all been doing?

I cannot believe June is about to end in four days! This month was a super busy month for me. From juggling between my day job, my side hustle as a UGC creator and managing my bookstagram account and blog, June felt like it breezed past by! It also reminds me that I’ll grow a year older in about 4 days. Mhmm, my birthday is coming up on 1st July and I am honestly really looking forward to it this year! I have never been this excited about this day as I am this year.

If you would have been following my blog or my bookstagram all this time and have been enjoying my content, I would be ecstatic if you choose to gift me something from my Amazon Wishlist here (I’ll admit I like books as giftsđź«Ł)!

Okay, now coming on to the book that I want to share today. I recently read this very beautifully written psychological memoir called And She Was Never The Same Again by Dr. Trujillo that made me teary-eyed.

And She Was Never the Same Again is about you. It is about your family and your friends, everyone you’ve ever met, and all the strangers you have yet to meet. It takes you on a journey of gains and losses that stretch generations, cultures, identities, and decades of time.

It awakens you to the inevitable and makes you look at things most people want to avoid seeing. It explores near-death experiences; medical, individual, and intergenerational trauma; the stigmatized death of a partner; perfectionism; athletics; first loves; and the gaping holes that become permanent fixtures within us when those we love the most die.

You will feel, you will learn, you will grow, and you will never be the same again.


rigger Warnings: Near Death experiences, Intergenerational trauma, losing loved ones, battling with chronic illness.

And She Was Never The Same Again is an intergenerational memoir in which Dr. Trujillo talks about all the losses of her life (death and non-death).

Of all the people that she had encountered in her life, she selects to tell the stories of the ones who had the most significant impact in her life.

Find me on Instagram @bookarlo

This book is Dr. Trujillo’s attempt at reflecting on the emotion of grief and channel it in a way she and the readers can accept it for what it is: anguish, pain and a feeling of emptiness and not avoid all these associated emotions of grief.

This is a wonderfully written memoir that is brimming with honesty, an insightful understanding of grief and the power of acknowledging this emotion. The author carefully dissects into each of her memories and re-lives the relationships that she had built with those people and how these relationships fell apart or ran their course of time.

Dr. Trujillo also talks about how she perhaps at a younger age tried to avoid grieving by focusing more on academia, work and focusing on accomplishments. She acknowledges that the more you run away from your emotions and deprive yourself from feeling them, they can turn into something dangerous in the future.

This is not an easy book to read, I’ll admit. Through the author’s lived experiences, a lot of us would be able to connect (perhaps even regretfully) with the raw sincere emotions that this book carries.

And She Was Never The Same Again is definitely more on the feels and as the author has warned at the beginning, some of her experiences can be triggering, so please take care of yourself while reading the book.

I loved reading this book. Sure, it’s not one of those books that can be finished reading in just one sitting despite its short length. It’s a highly emotional and thought-provoking book that offers to show us a different perspective on grief based on the concepts of grief and loss in psychology and through Dr. Trujillo’s personal experiences.

Read And She Was Never The Same Again on Kindle Unlimited for free!

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Signing off,

Sohinee aka bookarlo

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