Sohinee Dey (2)

Hello there, booknerd!

Welcome to my blog! Hope you enjoy your time looking around it ❤

I am Sohinee, a book nerd from Kolkata (India). If I talk about my reading journey, I wasn’t really a book obsessed person. I started reading from a very early age but still I never was a bookworm. My mother used to read to me and I used pick up phrases and stanzas from poems. Later on I used to recite them and she would be amazed by how quickly I would learn. I guess I had a sharp memory.

Growing up, English Literature had always been my favourite subject to read. While I was really drawn towards Science, I had a soft spot for English. I never thought that literature would become such an integrated part of my life. So, I graduated with Science and I did pretty good but I always had this feeling that this stream wasn’t right for me but I couldn’t really voice my thoughts because of different reasons. I did my Bachelors in Biotechnology and then I had reached this limit where I couldn’t go on about it anymore. It had to STOP. That’s when I decided to switch to English for my Masters and that is what I am doing now and I can’t express how happy I am with the choice!

Okay, enough talk about who I am and what I do! Let me tell you about my blog. For the people who have been following me from the initial days of my blogging, they would know that I started it out as a personal blog where I used to post poems, short stories, articles and random musings but then as I started with book blogging, I kind of shifted from the ‘personal blog’ idea to more of a book concentrated blog. My older posts are still here somewhere but I have deleted most of them because since I had transformed my blog into a book blog, I wanted it to give that professional touch and let people know that it’s a book blog when they visit me here.

I started book reviewing back in 2017 but I didn’t have my own blog then. So I decided to create one in 2018 (yeah, took me an year to decide 😂). It was then that I completely got involved in book blogging. I liked it so much that I took up book blogging as a side hustle. I am also very happy that I got a chance to work with several magazines which boosted my confidence and also gave me experience. I did struggle a lot when I first started out. Most people gave me the cold shoulder so, I had to dig in myself and figure out how everything works. Those few months were difficult for me and there were many people who didn’t want me in this whole “book blogging world” but I pushed past the naysayers. I can happily say that it made me even more confident and then feedbacks started pouring in, my work started getting recognized. I am proud of myself that I could do everything on my own and that I didn’t give up 😊.

I read everything ( yes, I meant everything 😏). When it comes to genres, I am okay with anything other than Non-fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction and Paranormal. It’s not that I don’t want to explore these genres, it’s just that if I had a choice, I would choose not to read books of these genres. But, I have started exploring and have read quite a number of books from these genres. I am okay with Fantasy now but I still have to get around with non-fiction and sci-fi. I always urge people to get out of their comfort zone and read books which they don’t want to and I apply this in my life too.

Goodreads is also a great community for book lovers like me. I got to know so many different people who come from different regions but our love for books united us. If you’re on Goodreads, do give me a follow or add me as a friend, perhaps?! I would love to discuss books with you 😊.

Apart from reading, I am really passionate about writing so much so that I wish to publish my own novel one day (it’s a work under progress). I like both prose and poetry. At times, while penning down my thoughts, there are moments when I am unable to grab the exact words I want to write, even though they are present in my subconscious mind; a case of lethologica, it seems. I am a perfectionist. I like everything in order but I create messes at the same time but when I put my heart and soul into a work and let my hands get dirty, I do it with dedication and perseverance. I have contributed to two print anthologies and 10-15 digital magazines. There will always be a special mention to poetry because it really helped me to discover myself and poetry was that tool that let me express myself.

I can see that I have  improved in my writing so much than the first time when I wrote reviews! There was a time when I would hardly get 2 review requests a month and now I am like suffocated under the tbr pile! I don’t mean to brag or something but I am really proud of how far I have come and I am also thankful to the people who stuck by me and supported me on this journey ❤.

If you like my reviews, make sure you like my posts and leave a comment! I would love to hear from you. Feedbacks really mean a lot to me and they also help me improve.

I don’t really have any fancy rating system. I just rate a book out of 5 stars. The rating can be in fractions too when I can’t decide on a whole number 😅.

If you are an author, PR or Brand, please visit the Review Policy to know how you can request for a book review. I am PR friendly and I accept books to review all year round.

If you love being around my blog, it would be really helpful if you would spread a word about this tiny human being living in a tiny little corner of the world! Thank you for stopping by. Hope to see you again on my site! 😇

I am very active on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook too. Come, let us be friends!

1 thought on “GET TO KNOW ME AND MY BLOG!

  1. Good luck Sohinee.👍


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