Hello Book Dragons!

Today, I have a very interesting book to share with you all. Do you remember this interview that I did with A.R. Lerwill in May? Well, if you haven’t checked it out yet, go read our interview as A.R. delves into the intricacies of writing a spy fiction and has some great tips on independent publishing!

It’s finally time to talk about the book, Leveller, and share my thoughts with you all. Also, if you haven’t seen my Reel about the book yet, go check it out here. It will give you an idea of what the book is all about.


Following a terrorist attack on London, an unprecedented threat arises, requiring drastic action—the next generation of espionage.

The non-negotiable demand: expose a covert global organisation. The unimaginable objective: locate the terrorist hiding somewhere in alternative realities.

Secret Agent Jackson Blake must go undercover, using cutting-edge quantum technology, migrating his consciousness into parallel selves. He has a weak lead, scarce knowledge of the realities he will traverse, and is running out of time. 

Although highly skilled, Blake secretly wrestles with internal conflicts. They could compromise his efforts. It will be a kaleidoscopic odyssey, testing his endurance and challenging his perceptions. 

One question determines everything: Who or what is the leveller?

Take on the mind-bending mission. Think once, act infinitely.


It has been a really long time since I read a spy thriller. I don’t even remember the last book that I read of this sub-genre. All that changed quickly when I picked up this spy science fiction.

I have talked about how I have been reading sci-fi and fantasy books where the world-building isn’t overwhelming in several of my earlier posts and I think that was one of the reasons why I decided to read Leveller.

The main plot revolves around the attempt to uncover the terrorist organization- Leveller, through a united attempt by the agents of a British secret intelligence service. Interestingly, the leader of this terrorist group is hiding somewhere in an alternate reality. Now, it’s up to the agents to race against time and reality before it’s too late.

Agent Blake has to go undercover and travel through different realities to catch the culprit. Although he has the necessary equipments to help him, Agent Blake has very little knowledge of the multiverse and a single misstep could cost him his life. To further complicate things, the alternate realities can also impact one’s perspectives and points of view.

To be quite honest, I oftentimes find science fiction to be unrealistic and monotonous with too much of details and not enough material to keep me engaged. But that wasn’t the case with this book. The world-building in this book was very balanced and believable. The pacing did slip at certain points but the action and adventure made up for it.

There were many twists and turns throughout the story that added to the thrilling aspect. When I thought I had it all figured out, suddenly there would be a new turn of event that would change the entire course of action!

For me personally, more than the plot, it was the characters that kept me hooked. That is not to say that the plot is boring. I loved the honest portrayal of Agent Jackson Blake. By no means is he a perfect person, he has his share of weaknesses and traumas that he deals with in his day-to-day life. This makes him more humane and easier to empathize with. Apart from his characters, the supporting characters including Caroll, Penrose, Tegmark, and in fact, the main antagonist, too were well-fleshed out.

Overall, this book was a great innovative and unique take on the good old espionage stories. If you love sci-fi, thriller and spy fiction, Leveller should definitely be on your radar!

Get a chance to read four chapters for free before you decide to purchase your copy of Leveller!

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Signing off,

Sohinee aka bookarlo


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