Hello Book Dragons!

If you have been following my blog for a while now, you would remember how I used to complain about not being able to get into the fantasy and sci-fi genre but look at me now! I have been reading a lot of sci-fi and fantasies lately and I wanted to share this particular book that I read recently. It’s called The Ghosts of Rathalla and I loved the characters in this book!


Set in a world that is dominated by a vast desert, two friends are caught in the middle of a civil war. She’s a warrior. He’s a musician. When they discover that the crux of the war is a prophesied newborn baby that one side will do anything to destroy, they become the only people capable of saving the child’s life—all that stands in their way is an active volcano, a barbarian army, and a cunning assassin with motives of his own.


Here’s to adding another fantasy book to my list this year! Believe it or not, I have been enjoying fantasy, especially the ones that are more focused on the plot and has a simpler world-building 🙌🏼

Epic Fantasies aren’t my cup of tea in general, but if the story is adventurous and has strong characters, I am all up for it. The Ghosts of Rathalla is an adult epic fantasy with lots of adventure and suspense with a child at the centre of the plot. A civil war, a dangerous assassin, a barbarian army and an active volcano in a vast desert makes up for the main elements of the story.

Ernest and Bird are the two main characters who are caught up in the middle of a civil war. They are contrasting characters and have quite different perspectives, but their friendship is beautiful nonetheless. Ernest, while is a musician, Bird on the other hand, is a warrior. Ernest has a funny, easy-going optimistic personality and is quite the talker! Bird is the complete opposite. She is headstrong, rational and cannot be swayed easily.

It was quite interesting to witness how neither of the characters were central characters, instead it was the prophesied baby who turned out to be the central character. The people at war would do anything to unalive the newborn. They have an entire army who are in search of the baby. Now it’s up to Ernest and Bird to save the newborn’s life and stop the war.

Just over 260 pages, The Ghosts of Rathalla is a fast-paced fantasy adventure with realistic characters and a strong plot. The characters truly shined for me. They resemble people we come across in our day-to-day life. These characters don’t have any superpowers nor are they exceptionally physically strong but what they do have are strong idealistic perceptions of the world and courage to stand by the truth.

If you are looking for a character-driven fast-paced quick fantasy read, then The Ghosts of Rathalla is for you!

If you have Kindle Unlimited, you can now read The Ghosts of Rathalla for free!

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Sohinee aka bookarlo

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